Special Olympics La Ronge

Special Olympics Saskatchewan creates inclusive sporting opportunities for athletes of all ages with an intellectual disability. Many of our Northern SOS athletes overcome challenges, which have secluded them within themselves. When our athletes experience the opportunities to see, hear and feel their community supporting them they flourish. Our northern Special Olympic athletes’ belief in themselves changes when our community members volunteer to engage and share in sports programs, which have been designed to enhance: life skill, healthy life styles, mental health and spiritual wellness. In my past 20 years as a special education educator in Northern Saskatchewan, I have never witnessed a program that has had such a powerful positive impact in general on people. I witness amongst the participants of Special Olympics genuine gratitude shared for being provided opportunities to achieve ones personal bests and thankfulness for being allowed the opportunity to participate in developing, delivering and enjoying sporting events with our Northern communities. 

Here in Northern Saskatchewan Special Olympics bring our communities together to celebrate our belief, which is, everyone deserves a chance to reach their fullest potential! In the Special Olympic Northern Saskatchewan District, our athlete’s come from as afar away as Stony Rapids, a community located on our provinces’ northern border.  Northern SOS athletes train throughout the year to travel sometimes for days from remote communities to attend an SOS sanctioned district event, so they have an opportunity showcase their achievements and celebrate the successes with their teammates.  Now the Olympics are within reach even for our most northern athletes. The athletes have named themselves, “Team Awesome,” so throughout the North we work hard to promote and protect the longevity of our Special Olympic Saskatchewan Northern District Team Awesome.

In appreciation,

Pam Sanderson, Community Manager Special Olympics – La Ronge/Northern District