Travel and nutrition tips

Air travel is dehydrating and may cause jet lag. But you can reduce the impact by:

  • Packing nutritious snacks to avoid the salty airplane snacks
  • Drink at least 250mL each hour on a flight
  • Avoid coffee, tea, and caffeinated beverages

Team BC 2020 travel tips handout (new January 2020)

Canadian Sport Institute Pacific's tips for travelling athletes

Team media resources

Team expectations

As the finish line is getting ever so close, we are so looking forward to watching all Team BC athletes excel in your sport performances on the national stage. We are also going to be so proud of you for delivering on the contracts that you signed to be part of Team BC. You committed to our high expectations, and we know you are going to keep working hard and making everyone proud! 

Please click here for the Team BC athlete expectations

Special Olympics Canada Games apparel

The Special Olympics Canada Winter Games Thunder Bay 2020 have launched an online store where you can pre-purchase T-shirts, hoodies, athletic wear, toques, and more. 

Please click here to find their e-store!

Please direct all questions about this merchandise to the contacts indicated on the store website - Team BC does not control this store.

If you choose to pre-order merchandise, it would be appreciated if you can let your mission staff know, so we can make sure to support item pickups.

Team newsletters

SOBC athlete health resources

More tools to help you be at your best

Training logs


Dryland training guides

Download these guides to enhance your training with dryland work!

General SOBC Dryland Training Guide


Winter sports


Performance Program Summer Dryland Training Manual


Mental training resources

Please click here

Dryland training videos

In this video filmed at the Special Olympics BC Athletics and Snowshoeing Performance Camp on May 9-10, 2015, SOBC – Abbotsford coach Tom Norton leads the athletes through a dryland circuit. The video contains both explanations and demonstrations that can be used for every sport as a off-season training program. This works out about an hour to an hour and a half. He starts with a dynamic warm up, circuit, hills, and stairs, and finishes with a sprint exercise.