Resources to stay active, connected, positive, and informed

Based on careful consideration of all provincial health requirements and the needs of our community, Special Olympics BC has implemented strong safety protocols to help us all return to in-person sport programs, meetings, and fundraising events. 

Special Olympics BC also offers resources to help athletes maintain their training and health at home. We are committed to helping everyone feel connected and supported in their programs and events as well as at-home training! 

Please absolutely do not hesitate to contact Special Olympics BC staff with any questions whatsoever, and/or any ideas for how we can best support the SOBC community that inspires us all the time.

Please check out the resources below, and please stay in touch!

Active figure icon

Stay active


  • Use our challenge calendar template to plan your month's worth of workouts and wellness activities! Find the calendars here 
  • Participate in SOBC Health virtual programs and opportunities! Find events on our calendar
  • Work on the core skills for your sport at home, using our Basic Sport Skills packages and videos! Please click here
  • Complete at-home workouts with Special Olympics Team Canada's strength and conditioning coach, plus Special Olympics Fit 5 and School of Strength! Find the links here
  • Strengthen your mind and body with yoga and mindfulness sessions created for the Special Olympics BC community by Shelbi Snodgrass, yoga instructor and Mental Performance Consultant! Please click here
  • Looking for more workout videos and tools to help you stay active at home? Please click here 



School groups staying active at home can use the youth program at-home resources. And groups can have fun remotely using Spread the Word>>Inclusion to champion inclusion and respect. These activities can be done anytime and there are lots of ways to participate online! Please click here to learn more.


  • Please visit our hub for online coach education resources to find Coach Development Webinars, NCCP training opportunities, and more.
  • Volunteers are invited to be part of the SOBC Volunteer Professional Development Series! We want to thank the remarkable administrative volunteers who do so much to make SOBC programs possible, and create opportunities for these amazing individuals to connect, learn, and brainstorm together. 
Gold medal icon

Stay connected

Stay positive

Muscle icon

Stay informed


Special Olympics BC recommends using B.C. and Canadian health authorities for information on COVID-19, including:

The BC Centre for Disease Control notes that most people with COVID-19 recover; but some people are more vulnerable to developing severe illness or complications from COVID-19, including older people and those with chronic health conditions. Other patients may have questions about how their health may be impacted by COVID-19. Please click here for the BC Centre for Disease Control's information on this.

Special Olympics International COVID-19 frequently asked questions

Hand washing tips from Special Olympics Health Messenger Nyasha Derere


  • COVID-19 vaccine: Please click here for vaccine info from Community Living BC. Please contact your doctor with any vaccine discussions and questions.
  • COVID-19 vaccine: Please click here for two easy-read booklets on the vaccine by HCARDD. Please contact your doctor with any vaccine discussions and questions.
  • Family Support Institute: The Family Support Institute of B.C. provides a lot of help, including online video chat groups throughout the province! Please click here 
  • Community Living BC: Please click here for Community Living BC’s COVID-19 information. Please click here for the CLBC COVID-19 Weekly Updates for individuals and families. Please click here for their really helpful collection of plain-language resources. 
  • Health care settings during COVID-19: Please click here for a toolkit created by B.C. individuals with disabilities and families for use when you have to go into health care settings during COVID-19. 
  • COVID-19: Please click here to find a plain-language guide to COVID-19, developed by self-advocates in Vermont.
  • Financial support: Please click here for a plain-language guide to financial support from the government, recommended by Michael Campbell, SOBC Director and MoneyTalks host.
  • Seeing medical professionals: “Why your doctor looks different during COVID-19" Special Olympics Indiana Board Member John Dickerson and his company Quillo were generous enough to share this video.