Jocelyn Leesman and the 2020 Special Olympics Alberta Holiday Card

Thank you to everyone who submitted their wonderful designs for our annual holiday card contest. We had 42 entries this year and we plan to share them over the next 12 days to celebrate the skills of our athletes.

This year’s winner was Jocelyn Leesman from Special Olympics Alberta-Calgary who painted a Special Olympics Winter Wonderland. Her art will be featured as our official digital holiday card in our 2020 winter newsletter.

Jocelyn answered some questions about her painting, the holidays, and her journey with Special Olympics. Congratulations, Jocelyn!

1. When did you start participating in Special Olympics and why did you decide to sign up?

I think it was still in high school when I started soccer for Special Olympics because at the time I got to witness my younger brother go to his first tournament, and I LOVED it.

2. Which is your favourite sport? Why?

Floor hockey! Last year in 2019 for the very first time I got a goal for my team.

3. What are you doing to stay active, healthy, and connected during this time?

Well, I started to FaceTime with my friends and have painting sessions - I mostly work for the time still.

4. What was your inspiration for this beautiful painting?

Well, I like the winter wonderland kind of themes, also I like how snow looks over a blue or darker background.

5. What does it mean to you to have your artwork featured as the Special Olympics Alberta holiday card?

It’s the first time getting recognized for my art. I’m proud that my art goes to such a good idea as a holiday card for fun. 

6. What is your favourite part of the holidays?

Spending time with my family in front of the fireplace and opening gifts or the other part is watching the neighbours light up with Christmas lights.

7. What is your favourite carol?

Faith Hill - Where are you Christmas? OR Christmas Shoes 

8. What is your favourite holiday movie?

The Grinch (the original cartoon) 

9. Do you have a message for everyone for the holidays?

Stay safe and Happy Holidays ❄️☃️❄️

10. What would you say to another athlete who was interested in joining Special Olympics?

It’s a very fun opportunity to meet new friends and have fun in the community.

11. Anything else you would like to add?

Merry Christmas - I’m so happy to have this opportunity!