2018 Polar Plunge

Freezin' for a Reason

Join Law Enforcement officers and the brr-ave citizens of Regina & Moose Jaw and take the plunge in support of Special Olympics Saskatchewan and its over 1200 Special Olympics Athletes!  

What is a Polar Plunge?
As the name implies, a Polar Plunge is a winter fundraising event whereby individuals have the “honour” of bravely jumping into freezing cold waters in the middle of the bitter Saskatchewan winter. They are able to participate by securing donations from friends, family members, co-workers, local businesses, or their community. It’s a great way for everyone—individuals, organizations, and businesses—to get involved in support of Special Olympics and show winter who’s boss.

How Does the Polar Plunge Raise Money?
Plungers will either pay the registration fee or fundraise the minimum requirement to be able to take part in the Plunge. Incentives will be given to Plungers based on how much money they raise in donations. Costumes are strongly encouraged!

Regina - February 14, 2018
Moose Jaw  - February 24, 2018

How to participate in the Polar Plunge in 5 easy steps:
1. Select a location above, sign up online, and pay your $100 registration fee (you can raise this in pledges too!)
2. Collect pledges from friends,  family, and coworkers - remember the more money you raise the more incentives you earn
3. Read our tips below for a fun, successful plunge
4. Pick your costume, including shoes (for safety reasons, footwear is mandatory for all plunge participants)

5. Show up, think warm thoughts and try not to chicken out

Participants must be 18 years of age or have the written consent of their legal parent or guardian.

Pledge a Plunger
Do you know someone who is daring enough to take the plunge? Support their fundraising efforts and pledge that plunger!

Too Chicken to Plunge Raffle
Chicken? Don't worry - we've got you covered! You can stay warm and dry and still show your support for Special Olympics Saskatchewan with our Too Chicken to Plunge Raffle.

Purchase a numbered rubber chicken and have it do the plunging for you. Following the human plungers, all purchased chickens will be released into the water. Chickens will be rescued at random and if your ticket number matches the number on the chicken you could win some great prizes. 

For more information on the Too Chicken to Plunge Raffle please contact Roxanne at LETRSK.Regina@gmail.com or 306-502-5052. 

About the Law Enforcement Torch Run

Without the support of the Law Enforcement Torch Run, there would be no Polar Plunge.

Plunges are a part of the year-round fundraising through the Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics Saskatchewan. Law enforcement torch run members across the province raise funds and awareness for Special Olympics Saskatchewan. For more information, please visit Law Enforcement Torch Run.


Plunge Tips
Fundraising Tips
Sample Social Media Posts
Pledge Form