As I wrap things up here at Special Olympics Canada it has been a time of reflection on a remarkable journey that has shaped my life.  I never would have imagined during my job interview back in August 2007 what has transpired over the past 16 years.  

To come to work each day with the purpose of creating opportunities for people to learn, to excel, to be accepted, to take their rightful place in community, is an honour and a privilege.  To do that in support of people who are so deserving and genuinely grateful, with people who are equally as passionate and committed is a rare gift.

For every inspiring story of an athlete achieving success on and off the field of play (and there are so many!), there are stories of volunteers (coaches, organizers behind the scenes, Board members) who give so generously of their time and talents.  I am humbled by your dedication and caring.  If there is ever a group of people that use their powers for good…it is you.

I am extremely proud of the organization Special Olympics Canada is today. This comes because of so many collaborations and contributions. Together, with my colleagues in chapters across the country we have aligned around common priorities and actions that have seen us all succeed. Combine that with the steadfast support of partners, donors and champions who share in our vision, mission and values and the result is a national movement that is bigger, stronger, and brighter than ever before.

To the staff at the national office – thank you!  Thank you for not only being a dedicated, hard-working team, but for being fun, kind, good people.  It has been an absolute pleasure to work alongside you.  

A final note to the athletes – thank you for inspiring me for the past 16 years – you are everyday heroes!  Your energy, determination and joy have fueled my journey.  Keep dreaming big!

Special Olympics has changed my life, professionally and personally, and I’m so grateful for it all.  I will forever be a champion of Special Olympics – we all know, no one ever really leaves Special Olympics – and I look forward to celebrating your continued success.


With gratitude,