Special Olympics Canada recognizes that participation in any sport or physical activity has some risk of head injuries, including concussions. The information on this page will help you learn more about concussions and how Special Olympics Canada and Special Olympics Saskatchewan are addressing concussions to support the health and safety of all out athletes and volunteers.

Special Olympics Canada Concussion Policy


Concussion Awareness Resources

A concussion is a type of brain injury that affects how a person's brain functions. Special Olympics Canada suggests the resources below to learn more about concussions and how to prevent, recognize and manage these injuries. 

For Athletes:

For Parents/Guardians:

For Coaches and Volunteers:

For ALL Members:


NCCP Making Head Way in Sport

The Coaching Association of Canada's free concussion e-learning module helps explain what a concussion is, how they can occur, the signs and symptoms, and how to prevent one from happening.

Making Head Way in Sport Course

For more information about concussions, visit: parachute.ca


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