
Floor Hockey, Lisa Bernard
Lisa Bernard joined Special Olympics in June of 2011 after being encouraged by friends of hers to give it a try. Lisa wanted to meet her people, so...
Shawn Mitchell, Soccer, National Summer Games
Back in 2002 Shawn Mitchell joined Special Olympics following encouragement from a friend. 17 years later and not only is Shawn still involved, he is...
Jennifer Hickox, PEI Mutual, Athlete of the Year
Jennifer Hickox joined Special Olympics 12 years ago when she moved into Charlottetown. She started participating in Special Olympics programs because...
Hunter Ellis, Powerlifting
West Prince Powerlifting athlete, Hunter Ellis, is described by his mother, Priscilla, as a typical teenager. As is the case with most 17 year old...
Sophia Allen, Acadian Games, Special Olympics PEI
When Sophia Allen joined Special Olympics in the summer of 2016 she and her family embarked on the journey as a family. Fast forward to present, and...
Logan Robbins
Logan Robbins, Charlottetown, is the youngest member of Team PEI at just 14 years old. Logan is a member of Team PEI Soccer. Logan earned his spot on...
Rachael Loggie
Rachael Loggie, Charlottetown, has been involved in Special Olympics for 14 years. During this time Rachael has participated, and competed, in a...
Jamie Matheson
Jamie Matheson, Montague, has been a volunteer with Special Olympics PEI for 9 years. Along with being an active fundraising volunteer in Kings County...
Jenna Smith
Jenna Smith, Tyne Valley, has been a Special Olympics PEI athlete for 7 years. While Jenna started as a Golfer, 10-Pin Bowling is now her sport of...
Phillip Chugg
Phillip Chugg, Charlottetown, has been an athlete with Special Olympics PEI for over 22 years. Over the years, Phillip has participated in a number of...