Special Olympics PEI is thrilled to once again be selling tickets for a chance to win either a 12 x 20 ft Building or (new this year) $10,000 cash in partnership with the Evangeline ATV Club!
Raffle tickets are $20 each, or 3 for $50. Tickets are available from many Special Olympics athletes and volunteers, at the Special Olympics PEI office, and at various locations across the Island, including:
- Cook's Corner
- Dennis Motors
- Moe's Independent Grocer
- Sobeys Allen Street
- Sobeys Montague
- Sobeys Stratford
- Sobeys Summerside
- Sobeys West Royalty
- Wellington Esso
Also new this year is the Early Bird Draw! Get your tickets before August 5 for your chance to win a BBQ, generously donated by Kent Building Supplies in Summerside.
Tickets are also available for purchase via e-transfer to eatvcfundraisers@gmail.com. Please be sure to include your name and phone number.
Building donated by Island Portable Buildings, Kennedy Metals, North Rustico Home Hardware Building Centre, MacLellan Electric, and Arsenault Family Lumber.
Call for Ticket Sellers
We are looking for help selling Shed Raffle tickets this summer. We will have tables set up across the Island, and need athletes, volunteers, and caregivers to fill the schedule of ticket sellers! If you have a few hours, and would like to help, please email Amy at amybrown@sopei.com or call 902-368-8919.
Prize Alert
Anyone who volunteers at a table, or takes a book of tickets to sell, will be entered into a draw to win a $50 Tim Hortons gift card!