September E-Newsletter
Special Olympics PEI, Charlottetown Islanders, Max Jardine
Special Olympics PEI is thrilled to announce a new partnership with the Charlottetown Islanders! Max Jardine, Charlottetown Islanders defenseman, has...
Celebrating our Athlete, Coaches, Volunteers and Supporters Each year Special Olympics Prince Edward Island hosts an Awards Presentation to honor...
August E-Newsletter
Special Olympics PEI, Shed Raffle Tickets
Special Olympics PEI is thrilled to once again be selling tickets for a chance to win either a 12 x 20 ft Building or (new this year) $10,000 cash in...
Special Olympics PEI, Special Olympics Canada, SOTC 2025
Special Olympics PEI is proud to announce that 5 Islanders have been named to the Special Olympics Team Canada 2025 Training Squad. This marks the...