April 16 - 22 is National Volunteer Week.
Volunteers are the backbone of Special Olympics. It is because of our dedicated volunteers that the programs offered by Special Olympics PEI are possible. This week, in celebration of National Volunteer Week, it is our great pleasure to highlight a few of our incredible volunteers, volunteers like Kelsey Phelan.
Kelsey Phelan has been a volunteer with Special Olympics PEI for just over 2 years. Kelsey was familiar with the organization, and had attended several events in the past, thanks to her connection to Special Olympics PEI's Manager - Sport & Competitions, her cousin, Genna Phelan. When Genna mentioned that volunteers were needed at the Charlottetown Community Sport program, Kelsey decided to give it a try. From her first night of volunteering Kelsey was having a great time, and she could see that everyone else was there to have a good time too. Kelsey saw from that first night that she was going to learn a lot from volunteering, and that this was going to be an opportunity to look at things from a different perspective. The Charlottetown Community Sport program is one of the larger programs offered by Special Olympics PEI, and see a wide array of people attend.
The highlight of volunteering so far for Kelsey has been attending her first Special Olympics dance at the 5-Pin Bowling Open Tournament in 2022. Saying it was everything she expected, Kelsey was impressed by the wide range of outfits, and how everyone was killing it on the dance floor.
Kelsey will admit that she isn't very athletic. This, however, hasn't stopped her from volunteering, and from making a difference in the lives of the athletes at program. Eager to not miss out on the opportunity to volunteer when the bowling module of Community Sport conflicted with her work schedule, Kelsey has also volunteered at the Charlottetown Basketball program. When asked what she would say to something considering volunteering with Special Olympics, Kelsey notes that, like her, you don't need to be athletic to make a difference. For Kelsey, it's less about sport, and more about people. Kelsey says she would recommend volunteering to anyone, noting that you might be new on day one, but you will be part of the group in no time!
Looking down the road, Kelsey hopes to continue volunteering with Special Olympics PEI well into the future. She is looking forward to meeting more athletes, and the opportunity to attend more events.
Become a Volunteer
If you are interested in learning more about volunteering with Special Olympics PEI, please visit our Volunteers page.