SPORT: Athletics
PROVINCE: Newfoundland and Labrador
How long have you been involved with Special Olympics?
18 years.
How is your life different since joining Special Olympics?
I have certainly learned the true meaning of resilience. My Special Olympians have taught me so much about success, achievement, and the path there, it is heart warming. I have been given the greatest gift of helping change the lives of so many. I have always been an advocate for those that didn't have a voice, but I am so much more passionate now in helping others achieve since I started our local Special Olympics club. It gave me an opportunity to engage my high school track athletes in inclusion and acceptance of all in athletic programs. Sharing the love of Special Olympians through bringing in other volunteers has given me an opportunity to impact so many people. The smiles on the faces of my special Olympic athletes when I walk into the gym or onto the track says it all. They just make you feel so appreciated and exhilarated.
What do you like most about the sport you will be participating in at Special Olympics World Summer Games Berlin 2023?
I love the exhilaration of all the action of the run, jump and throw in our sport. I enjoy the intensity that comes with coaching the range of events and multitasking in preparing for the various disciplines. Our sport requires a lot of individual focus on assessment and preparation of the athlete development in their fields of competition. The relays are always a focal point for me and helping perfect the pass and handoff of the baton. The excitement of the relay always fills the crowd with great energy and excitement.
What is your proudest moment with Special Olympics?
That is a very difficult question, I have had so many opportunities through Special Olympics for proud Moments. I stood breathless at a provincial competition that we hosted watching an athlete struggle to the finish line working harder than no other, in last position. I only met the athlete for the first time that weekend. I stood and fought back tears of joy as I watched him, with his hands over his head, squealing with excitement, then high fiving everyone on the finish line. I will carry that moment in my heart forever. Second to that would be receiving the call that two of my local athletes made the National Team to travel to this world games. It is even more special that I am going and will get the opportunity to share in their experience.
What does Special Olympics and attending World Games mean to you?
I am fortunate to have been selected as part of the coaching staff for Team Canada. It is an exciting opportunity to be able to share my skill set and experience to help prepare our athletes for the world stage. I am afforded the opportunity to learn from outstanding and talented athletes and coaches alike. Together through commitment, determination and hard work we have become a strong team and I could not be more grateful for this experience. The ultimate is to wear the Canadian Flag and embrace the moments of competition and as our athletes flourish and achieve their respective goals. For certain it is a pinnacle in my coaching career.
What is your goal for Special Olympics World Games Berlin 2023?
My goal is to provide every opportunity that will allow each of our athletes to engage in a life changing experience. I want all members of our team to have fun, meet new friends and come away with rewarding memories. As part of my goal I would also like to impact our team in reaching their personnel best performances and to come away with as many medals as possible.