Athlete - Shannon Doiron

SPORT:  Bowling

PROVINCE: New Brunswick

How long have you been involved with Special Olympics?

4 years.

How is your life different since joining Special Olympics?

I am very excited to be able to participate in lots of different sports and activities.

What do you like most about the sport you will be competing in at Special Olympics World Summer Games Berlin 2023?

I love that bowling is an opportunity to make new friends. I enjoy making the most of every experience that I have the chance to participate in.  

What is your proudest moment with Special Olympics?

My proudest experience was when I won four medals at a competition in Prince Edward Island.

What does Special Olympics and attending World Games mean to you?

It means being able to get the most out of the chance to live this beautiful experience.

What is your goal for Special Olympics World Games Berlin 2023?

My goal is to give the very best of myself.