SPORT: Speed Skating
PROVINCE: British Columbia
How long have you been involved with Special Olympics?
I have been involved with Special Olympics for almost 5 years. I first started in May 2016 when a friend asked if I would like to join.
How is your life different since joining Special Olympics?
After joining Special Olympics, I became more active then I ever had before. I didn’t really play sports or even know how to ice skate before joining. Now, Speed Skating and Athletics are a big part of my life and has made me more confident in myself. I have met a lot of people that I consider my friends through my sports and I have tons of fun!
How have you been preparing yourself for competition?
I train six days a week, 1-2hrs a day. My goal for the World Games is to have a positive attitude, skate my best, and to achieve personal bests in all my races. Hopefully I will bring home a medal for Canada!
What is the biggest challenge you have overcome in your life?
One of the biggest challenges I have had to overcome was my speech and communication. I found it difficult to express myself verbally, I had all the thoughts in my head but my words would get mixed up and couldn’t get more than a word or two out at a time. With help, I have worked on it over the years and I'm able to express myself much better now.
What accomplishment are you most proud of?
I’m really proud that I was chosen for the Team Canada Training Squad and I get a chance to represent Canada on and off the world stage. When I first started speed skating 4 ½ years ago I could barley skate and making it to World Games was just a dream. With the support of my family, really great coaches, teammates and training hard 6 days a week, my dream became reality!
What does Special Olympics and attending World Games mean to you?
Special Olympics means a lot to me. I really enjoy the sense of community and inclusion it gives me, it really is like a family. Being able to represent Canada and attending the World Games is a great honour for me. I am proud to be selected for the 2022 Training Squad and being able to represent Canada on and off the ice for Speed Skating! With hard work, determination and sportsmanship I hope to make Canada proud.