SPORT: Snowshoeing
HOMETOWN: British Columbia
How long have you been involved with Special Olympics?
I have been involved with Special Olympics for the past 19 years. I joined when I was 13 years old.
How is your life different since joining Special Olympics?
I have met several new friends through Special Olympics and it has given me the chance to be more outgoing and social.
How have you been preparing yourself for competition?
My goal is to train in some way ever day. I am working hard towards my goal of bringing home a medal.
What is the biggest challenge you've overcome in your life?
My biggest challenge began as a newborn. My parents were told that I would never be able to walk or talk. I have overcome this challenge and I can say that I am very good at both walking and talking!
What accomplishment are you most proud of?
I have accomplished many personal bests within Special Olympics and brought home a lot of medals!
What does Special Olympics and attending World Games mean to you?
I am very excited for this opportunity that Special Olympics has provided me. This is my first time attending a World Games!