Special Olympics Canada News

Melanie stands on the first place podium at Canada Games
This is a dream come true to be able to meet and skate with all of the people I watch on TV and inspire me to work hard and have fun skating.
Molly performs on the ice
When my mom told me, I was so happy! I am so touched and honoured to have been chosen to skate with Olympic athletes!
Stephanie Lachance on the ice
Thank you Tessa and Scott for inviting me and thinking of us, the Special Olympics, and for allowing us to participate in this show alongside great skaters.
Emile on the ice
I practice every single day during the summer for four hours daily. I love solos and I love to perform at shows, I feel happy and proud.
"Alicia Smith smiles looking into the camera."
I am working on a new routine for Special Olympics Canada Winter Games in Thunder Bay in February. I skate three days per week and take ballet lessons. I went and trained at Mariposa in Barrie over the summer.
Grace Morris skates on the ice
I'm practicing as much and as hard as I can until the show. I’m going to be keeping Sonny our skate sharpener in business!