An important sponsor of Special Olympics Canada, Tim Hortons helps promote respect and inclusion in communities across the country.
Tim Hortons has been a strong supporter since 2016, raising significant awareness and funds for Special Olympics programs all around the country. Their nationwide efforts help empower Canadians with intellectual disabilities to experience sports, fitness, and friendship and change attitudes through year-round Special Olympics sport programs.
During their 2023 Choose To Include campaign, Tim Hortons customers from all over the country raised a campaign record of $625,000 for Special Olympics athletes by purchasing a limited-edition donut.
"We're thrilled to see the ongoing support from Tim’s guests across Canada for our partnership with Special Olympics Canada – together we raised nearly $30,000 more this year compared to 2022, which is amazing,” said Hope Bagozzi, Chief Marketing Officer of Tim Hortons. “We're proud to continue raising awareness and funds for Special Olympics Canada through our annual campaign to give Special Olympics athletes the chance to reach their full potential.”
Every donut purchased during this campaign supported community sport programming for thousands of athletes with intellectual disabilities across our country. Together, we are making a more inclusive Canada!
Tim Hortons consistently serves up support for Special Olympics initiatives in B.C. In addition to the annual Choose To Include campaign, they help fuel our programs, fundraisers, and day-to-day operations.
So grateful to Tim Hortons for being a champion of inclusion and generous supporter of Special Olympics!
Read more about the Tim Hortons Special Olympics Donut campaign