Meet Coach Phoebe Lau

As a Special Olympics BC coach for over 15 years, Phoebe Lau has made a profound impact on athletes with intellectual disabilities, and she has significantly grown the Special Olympics movement in the community of Richmond. 

Phoebe smiling with SOBC youth participant

She has become the backbone of SOBC youth programs in Richmond. Lau runs Active Start and FUNdamentals classes for children with intellectual disabilities, giving them a foundation to develop their social and motor skills at a young age. 

Lau has also dedicated her time and efforts to supporting multiple Regional teams at Provincial Games, and has recently expanded her experience by being on the national stage for the first time! She was the mission staff for the Special Olympics Team BC 2024 floor hockey teams, as she helped them compete at their best at the Special Olympics Canada Winter Games Calgary 2024.

Throughout all these experiences, Lau finds much joy in developing relationships with her athletes and seeing them grow in their sports.

“Volunteering with SOBC is rewarding because you see the smiles and happiness of the athletes,” Lau says. “When you see how hard they play at competitions, that makes it all worth it.” 

“When they are so happy to come to practice and to see their friends and to see you, that just melts your heart, and you really want to be a part of that.”

Hear more from Phoebe’s story by watching the video below!

Do you want to make a life-changing difference and take part in building inclusion? Join Phoebe and the thousands of other coaches and athletes by getting involved with SOBC today!

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