
SOBC Sport Celebrities Festival
The “ceiling-breaking” power of sport and Special Olympics was on full display at the 2015 Sports Celebrities Festival presented by Silver Wheaton...
SOBC Performance Program
Dedicated athletes and coaches have been busy in 2015 at Special Olympics BC Performance Program camps where they have had the chance to elevate...
The hallmark of every motion ball Marathon of Sport is the remarkable spirit of inclusion and camaraderie shared by the teams of young professionals...
SOBC  Give a Toonie, Share a Dream.
The Staples Canada Give a Toonie. Share a Dream. campaign for Special Olympics delivered successful fundraising and inspiring stories in 2015, as B.C...
New Car Dealers Association of BC logo
B.C.’s New Car Dealers have been making a difference with Special Olympics BC for more than 30 years. The 2015 New Car Dealers Foundation of BC /...
SOBC Performance Programs
It’s been a busy winter for the Special Olympics BC Performance Program , as 2015 opened with a successful first foray into figure skating, great...