
Special Olympics World Games 2019
As we celebrate the 50th anniversary of Special Olympics globally, we are taking a look back at the #50moments that have defined the Special Olympics...
BC basketball teams Youth Games
Special Olympics BC is thrilled to be sending two 3-on-3 basketball teams to compete in the 2019 Special Olympics Ontario Invitational Youth Games in...
Special Olympics Team BC 2020
We are so pleased to announce the roster of the Special Olympics Team BC 2020 Training Squad , with members from all the sport Regions throughout our...
Special Olympics athlete Levi
Staples Canada is supporting the dreams of Special Olympics Canada athletes through the 19th annual Give a Toonie Share a Dream fundraising campaign...
Methanex logo
Special Olympics BC is thrilled to welcome Methanex Corporation as a new provincial sponsor . Methanex, a corporation committed to making a positive...
Special Olympics BC logo
As we celebrate the 50th anniversary of Special Olympics, we are taking a look back at the #50moments that have defined the Special Olympics movement...