
Special Olympics Team BC 2020 Speed Skating Coat of Arms
We will spend the eight weeks leading into the 2020 Special Olympics Canada Winter Games introducing the inspiring members of the Special Olympics...
Special Olympics floor hockey
In 55 communities throughout our province, life-changing and heart-expanding Special Olympics BC sport, youth, and fitness programs run year-round...
Special Olympics teams in Peace Curling Tour
In year-round Special Olympics BC programs, athletes with intellectual disabilities develop vital skills, confidence, and friendships that help them...
Dover Bay Dophins
The second-ever Special Olympics BC Vancouver Island School Sports Soccer Tournament featured a stellar day of play by four fantastic teams! After...
Athlete training tip
While programs take a break for Winter Holidays there are many things you can do on your own or with your family to keep moving. Getting out for a...
Special Olympics BC Healthy Holiday Challenge
To help everyone stay active and healthy through the holiday season, Special Olympics BC has compiled a new Healthy Holiday Challenge with a fun...