
Graphic: Athlete training tips
During the colder weather it’s important to continue to get outside and get some fresh air, rain or shine! This means get outside and enjoy the...
Topics covered during the SOBC Personal Health Series about puberty.
Special Olympics BC works to offer health opportunities that empower athletes with intellectual disabilities. This season, new virtual health events...
Emcee Bernie Pascall joined athletes performing their dance in the SOBC Anniversary Ceremony.
To help us stay active in these unique times, Special Olympics BC has been offering virtual initiatives for athletes that combine physical health with...
Special Olympics BC Return to Sport news
In line with new provincial health restrictions and in discussion with viaSport British Columbia, all in-person Special Olympics BC programs and...
Matthew Williams
Congratulations to Special Olympics BC – Langley athlete Matthew Williams, who has been named one of two 2020 Special Olympics Canada Athletes of the...
SOBC Athlete Leadership initiatives
There are exciting things happening in the world of Special Olympics BC Athlete Leadership . We are revamping traditional SOBC Athlete Leadership...