
SOBC Return to Sport Plan principles
Even though there have been changes in some of the province-wide health restrictions, the requirements for sport training have not changed since March...
SOBC Return to Sport Plan principles
Provincial restrictions now allow gatherings of up to 10 people outdoors. These outdoor gatherings can occur only with the same people every time, not...
Colby Bell
Please read the March 2022 announcements from Special Olympics Canada and Special Olympics International The below article was published in March 2021...
In support of the Virtual Polar Plunge for Special Olympics BC, several amazing SOBC Athlete Reporters took the time to share why it's important to...
Brandon Sutter and Michael Langridge holding Spread the Word Inclusion signs
With the Spread the Word>>Inclusion awareness day coming up on March 3, champions of inclusion, respect, and justice are in action throughout our...
Claire Lemaire
Special Olympics Athlete Leadership programs offer training to help athletes succeed and inspire in leadership and speaking roles inside and outside...