
Roy Stephens holding the Region 2 banner
Roy Stephens is a hardworking Special Olympics BC Athlete Reporter and Kelowna athlete. He crushed challenges throughout the SOBC Provincial Challenge...
SOBC – Kamloops athlete Shinji Matthews makes his kilometres count on an elliptical machine.
More than 300 participants from across the province raised funds and heart rates with the 2021 Virtual Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics...
SOBC – Cowichan Valley athlete Julie Black (centre) showed her skills at the 2017 SOBC Summer Games. She says Special Olympics allows her to make new friends and play all the sports she loves.
The pandemic has been especially hard for people with intellectual disabilities. This year, more than ever, funds raised by the New Car Dealers...
Special Olympics BC Youth Enagement Project
Too often individuals with intellectual disabilities are forgotten, marginalized, and disrespected, even today. In Special Olympics, athletes and...
Graphic: Athlete training tips
With summer upon us, it’s important to talk about sun safety and the steps you need to take to protect yourself from the sun! Use a broad-spectrum...
Special Olympics BC Youth Enagement Project
Too often individuals with intellectual disabilities are forgotten, marginalized, and disrespected, even today. In Special Olympics, athletes and...