Jean Tetarenko

Jean Tetarenko
Special Olympics Team BC 2020 Team Manager

When and how did you get involved with Special Olympics?    

I became involved in early 2011 through a newspaper ad looking for softball coaches.

Will this be your first Special Olympics Canada Games? If not, which other National Games were you part of and in what role(s)?  

This will be my fourth National Games. I was an athletics coach at the 2014 National Summer Games in Vancouver, mission staff for cross country skiing in 2016, and mission staff for swimming in 2018.

What does it mean to you to be part of Special Olympics Team BC 2020?    

Every team is unique and special and I will always be grateful to be part of that.  

What is/are your goal(s) for these National Games?

For each person to realize their full potential and take away "life-changing" experiences on and off the field of play.

What is your favourite Special Olympics experience to date?

Way too many to pick one - but have to say all the amazing Games Moments; absolutely love multi-day Games and the experiences you get to share on and off the field.

What storylines are you excited to see develop in your Team BC sport team leading up to the National Games?     

Stories about those athlete (and coaches) who are embracing the spirit of the opportunity. Great to see stories on coaches (including training coaches) as well as athletes.

What would you say about Special Olympics to encourage someone to get involved? 

Just do it! Although you hear it frequently - being involved really is life changing. Special Olympics will truly impact you as a person - you won't be the same (in a good way) after getting involved.