Dan Noble

Dan Noble
Special Olympics Team BC 2020: 5-pin bowling

Special Olympics BC Local:

Port Alberni


Port Alberni

When and how did you get involved with Special Olympics?

I was introduced to Special Olympics by a volunteer with Citizen Advocacy 45 years ago. 

Will these be your first Special Olympics Canada Games? If not, which other National Games did you compete in, and in what sports?

This will be my second National Games. I went to Halifax for 5-pin bowling. 

What were your results in the 2019 Special Olympics BC Winter Games? How did you feel about your performance?

Our team won gold in 5-pin bowling. We were very happy with our overall performance. 

What does it mean to you to be part of Special Olympics Team BC 2020?

I am very proud to be part of a team that has qualified to go to Thunder Bay in 2020.

What is your goal for these National Games?

We hope to win gold. 

What does competing at National Games mean to you?

We get to travel as a team to another part of Canada. We get to meet new people while we have fun participating in the games. 

What do you like most about the sport you will compete in at National Games?

5-pin bowling is a team sport and I like working as a team to accomplish gold.

What is your favourite Special Olympics experience to date?

Bowling every Saturday with friends. 

What would you tell someone about Special Olympics to encourage them to get involved?

It's fun and you get to meet lots of new people as well as spend time with friends.

What other Special Olympics sports do you participate in?

I have participated in swimming, floor hockey, softball, and track and field. 

Please tell us a little bit more about yourself! What else would you like people to know about you?

I have grown up in Port Alberni and have been a member of Special Olympics for 45 years. I don't participate in all the sports that I once did, but I still enjoy 5-pin bowling. 

What is one word you would use to describe yourself? :) 
