Chelsea Rogers

Chelsea Rogers
Special Olympics Team BC 2020 Alpine Skiing Mission Staff

When and how did you get involved with Special Olympics?    

About two years ago I became a staff member as a Community Development Coordinator - I was looking for a job exactly like this one and Special Olympics was hiring :) I wish I had volunteered before, but now I get to find people like me who didn't know how to get involved in Special Olympics and present them with that opportunity! 

Will this be your first Special Olympics Canada Games? If not, which other National Games were you part of and in what role(s)?  

Yes it will be! So excited!

What does it mean to you to be part of Special Olympics Team BC 2020?    

It means a lot. Knowing how many amazing coaches, volunteers and athletes there are in SOBC, I know how many of them are so deserving of this opportunity. I am very lucky to be a Team BC member!

What is/are your goal(s) for these National Games?

I want to do whatever I can to support my team, and help to make this a memorable experience for all that are involved!

What is your favourite Special Olympics experience to date?

I really liked being a part of the Provincial Winter Games in Vernon.That was my first exposure to Games and a competition of that size with SOBC, and it was so cool to see so many people come together, and the drive and passion that the athletes and coaches had at a big competition like that!

What does competing at National Games mean to your athletes? (or, if this is your first National Games, competition in general)

Every athlete that I have talked to about Games is stoked. They are all working so hard in their training, and taking it so seriously. They know how big of a deal it is, and how only so many athlete can say that it is something they are working towards. It's really neat to see their dedication, and I can't wait to see them in action!

What storylines are you excited to see develop in your Team BC sport team leading up to the National Games?     

I am excited to see us overcome challenges. After meeting most of the coaches and mission staff at the Team BC summit, I could really see how many different personalities and strengths the team has, and I am so excited to see how those qualities shine in the stressful, intense and exciting environments at Games!

What would you say about Special Olympics to encourage someone to get involved? 

You have to see it to believe it - the feelings and rewards you gain from being around our athletes, and inspired by our extremely dedicated coaches, is something like no other. I have often described being involved in Special Olympics programs, and being around Special Olympics people to be therapeutic - something that makes you feel warm and fuzzy, leaves you happy, and makes you look forward to the next event and practice!