Ashley Adie

Ashley Adie
Special Olympics Team BC 2020: Snowshoeing

Special Olympics BC Local:

Campbell River


Campbell River

When and how did you get involved with Special Olympics?

2003, at age 13. I’d just moved to Campbell River from northern B.C. and had never heard of Special Olympics before. My mom had me join. I started off with swimming (I only knew the dog paddle then!) and softball that spring. Before Special Olympics, I had only ever been part of youth generic sport clubs. 

Will these be your first Special Olympics Canada Games? If not, which other National Games did you compete in, and in what sports?

This will be my second Nationals, and my first Winter Nationals! My first was the 2018 National Summer Games in Antigonish, Nova Scotia, where I did track and field!

What were your results in the 2019 Special Olympics BC Winter Games? How did you feel about your performance?

I won gold in the 1600m, 800m,  400m, and the 4x100m mixed relay! But what mattered most was knowing I’d run my absolute hardest on a 200m track (compared to a traditional 400m). The medals, truthfully, were icing on the cake!

What does it mean to you to be part of Special Olympics Team BC 2020?

It feels amazing! 

What is your goal for these National Games?

Brand-new times, and if it leads to a podium finish, that’d be sweet. 

What does competing at National Games mean to you?

It's an honour and all the more awesome, knowing there’s only a handful of us women representing B.C. in snowshoeing.

What do you like most about the sport you will compete in at National Games?

It’s snowy, it’s cold, and it’s running! Three of my favourite things! Especially the part about playing in the snow!

What is your favourite Special Olympics experience to date?

The whole National Summer Games in Antigonish, NS. They were my very first Nationals after years of trying to qualify for one! 

What would you tell someone about Special Olympics to encourage them to get involved?

I’d share my experiences and how it has made such a positive impact in my life and hope that it would inspire them to get involved.

What other Special Olympics sports do you participate in?

 Swimming, 10-pin bowling, rhythmic gymnastics, floor hockey, track and field, and snowshoeing.

Please tell us a little bit more about yourself! What else would you like people to know about you?

I am a Thrifty Foods employee and have been so since December 2018. I am a crazy cat lady and am a proud cat mom to two cats, Lennie and Haley. I do a New Year's Day Polar Plunge every year and did a half marathon in October at the GoodLife Fitness Marathon in Victoria for the first time!

What is one word you would use to describe yourself? :)
