Alex Edwards

Alex Edwards
Special Olympics Team BC 2020: Curling

Special Olympics BC Local:




When and how did you get involved with Special Olympics?

Somebody came to Douglas College where I was taking an employment class and gave me a pamphlet about Special Olympics and I wanted to try it out.

Will these be your first Special Olympics Canada Games? If not, which other National Games did you compete in, and in what sports?

I competed in rhythmic gymnastics at the 2018 National Summer Games in Antigonish, Nova Scotia.

What were your results in the 2019 Special Olympics BC Winter Games? How did you feel about your performance?

My team, The Burnaby Leprechauns, came first in the A Division.

What does it mean to you to be part of Special Olympics Team BC 2020?

I want to work with my team because I feel good when we work together, we talk about how we should do things. I am super happy because this is my first National Winter Games.

What is your goal for these National Games?

My goal is to try my best, listen to my teammates, and have a very fun time.

What does competing at National Games mean to you?

I must give it all that I have, try my best, and concentrate.

What do you like most about the sport you will compete in at National Games?

I like curling because it is challenging and I also like sweeping. We also give the other teams a high-five and a handshake, I like that because it is good sportsmanship.

What is your favourite Special Olympics experience to date?

The best is getting medals and that everyone cheers you on in whatever sports you do. I remember some people watched us curl in Vernon and it makes you feel excited and happy. 

What would you tell someone about Special Olympics to encourage them to get involved?

They should come out to try it out. It's where you make new friends and you work with other people. It's like a big family in a way.

What other Special Olympics sports do you participate in?

Rhythmic gymnastics, bowling, softball and sometimes golf. 

Please tell us a little bit more about yourself! What else would you like people to know about you?

I write stories and had one made into a book called "The Spirit of Kamloops Train Robbery." I do acting and singing in Theatre Terrific and was a leading actor in the production of HELLO at the Firehall Arts Centre in Vancouver.  I also horseback ride at Pony Pals in Delta, which I really love. I also make homemade cards and do art.

What is one word you would use to describe yourself? :)
