2020 Year-End Messages

Participants in the SOBC Virtual Snowflake Social shared amazing comments for everyone in the SOBC community!
  • I Want To Wish Everyone A Very Merry Christmas And A Great 2021
  • We got this! We can get through this together!
  • got to meet new friends 
  • Great work athletes - you've kept me positive all year long. 
  • Happy holidays! You rock! 
  • Merry Christmas everyone! We are going to have a very good 2021!
  • stay safe 
  • be healthy and safe 
  • Merry Christmas and a happy new year keep staying healthy in that and be kind
  • Happy Christmas & New Year To Everyone
  • It has been a hard year, stay safe, be strong and we will be together again 
  • Keep your mind and body moving
  • Wishing everybody a safe and happy Christmas!
  • See you soon!
  • Happy holidays and may the new year bring you love, happiness and joy!
  • Having worked for Special Olympics BC for 32 years, never have I been more impressed by or thankful for our amazing athletes and volunteers!! Thank you for making 2020 "work"!!
  • As 2020 comes to a close, may we find grace in how we treat each other and look forward to when we can get together in person. 
  • Happy new year
  • Everyone “keep safe”
  • I’m very grateful to be part of such a wonderful group of athletes, coaches, volunteers and parents. Wishing everyone a very happy holiday season!
  • I hope everyone has a great Christmas and a great new year 
  • to stay safe wear your mask wash your hands and stay safe stay calm and be  kind to one another
  • Oh yah! Special Olympics rocks!!
  • It’s been a tough year due to covid but never lose hope
  • be strouge and be brave  
  • For the swimmers I have coached, a. have a Merry Christmas, b. I hope to see you all when we are able to get into the pool again. Cheerio, Peter.
  • We are in this forever
  • Merry Christmas to everyone in Special Olympics British Columbia 
  • Be safe at home 
  • Look forward to bowling again in 2021. Happy Christmas everyon
  • I hope everyone has a great Christmas and a great new year 
  • I hope everyone stays healthy and safe. I want to wish all a Merry Christmas and New Year. Hope to have sports starting soon in 2021 and that the virus is under control.
  • Be safe, be patient, be kind.
  • We’ve really missed SO this year and look forward to getting back to them in 2021 
  • Be positive and stay safe 
  • Hope everyone is safe.
  • we all  are stronger
  • Hope everyone is safe.
  • It’s been a tough year due to covid but never lose hope
  • May the spirit of Christmas visit your home this festive season, May it bring joy, and love into your world and stay with you throughout the coming new year. Merry Christmas to you all for your persistence, drive, dedication, and inner beauty!! 
  • Keep positive 
  • stay healthy and safe 
  • I wish we could all get back to normal doing our sports again here
  • I miss seeing all my friends at tournament and provincials 
  • Having fun
  • Miss all my friends 
  • Was a great year i hope next year be better we can get back to normal but looking forward to seeing who all coming 
  • I miss you all!  And I wish you a Merry Christmas!
  • I love being involved with special olympics with the people I meet, happy end of the year looking forward to a new year
  • I know it is a bad year for all all of but hold your heads high that we get through this and we will be eventually be back playing our sports. Just hold to them dreams for now. You are all Great Athletes. And Please Be Safe. And Remember to Wear your Mask when Needed. 
  • We can still keep fit and have fun in our homes. 
  • Have fun at Christmas! 
  • We will all get through this we are all strong 
  • Merry Christmas to all and all the best for 2021
  • Keep safe and healthy everyone 
  • Keep active!!
  • Can't wait to get all of our sports going in 2021! Merry Christmas!
  • Keep positive! We’re all in this together!
  • Hope you all have a merry christmas and happy new year 
  • Merry Christmas and let's make 2021 a much better year!
  • Special O is a strong community and we are so grateful to have them around especially during this time.
  • I know this has been a tough year, but you are all amazing.  Kudos to those who are staying in shape on their own.  Can't wait for the full return of sport!
  • I know it's hard but together as one big team in Special Olympics we can get through this we are all one awesome bunch of athletes
  • Sending everyone all the best for a great 2021!
  • Merry Christmas
  • Thank for helped stop the virus
  • We're all in this together!
  • The end is near been one crazy year
  • Happy holiday to everyone
  • Hope everyone has a safe Christmas 
  • Congratulations to everyone on figuring out a way to participate with and support SOBC during 2020! All the best of holiday wishes, and here's to a great 2021!
  • Have a cozy Christmas.  Hope 2021 is a much better year!
  • I hope that everyone gets the Covid vaccine so we can come together again next year!
  • I wish you a joyful new year and look forward to a 2021 where we can once again be more together than apart!
  • I hope everyone has a safe and merry Christmas
  • Looking forward to next year
  • Happy New Year. And Stay Safe 
  • Stay safe, stay active, stay connected
  • Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
  • Looking forward to next year
  • Stay safe so we can gather in the New Year!
  • Happy holidays everyone!
  • Thank you for all the virtual opportunities. Enjoy the holiday season. Be safe.
  • Merry Christmas ? and a happy new year 
  • Wishing all SOBC athletes, volunteers, and supporters a happy and healthy holiday season! This is a strong community and we are persevering through these difficult times TOGETHER! I look forward to seeing everyone back at programs and at events in the new year when it is safe to do so! Cheers to 2021!
  • Being a parent of an athlete I've enjoyed seeing her thrive in 2019 as she took part in Special Olympics classes and activities.  
  • we are stronger and we will beat this 
  • Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all our SOBC friends!
  • Hope everyone has a fun and safe holiday season! 
  • Wishing love, light and happiness to everyone as we move into 2021!!
  • stay safe everyone and no your not alone in this
  • We made it through a tough year and now to celebrate each other
  • Keep safe
  • I wish you a lot of fun over the holidays and look forward to meeting you again soon.
  • You are all amazing!  Stay strong, stay safe and see you in 2021.  Cheers! 
  • Happy Holidays and have fun with your family!
  • Stay safe at home
  • I hope everyone is happy and healthy!!
  • Happy holidays!! 
  • I love Special O! Especially 10 pin bowling with my friends!!!! I miss you guys!!!
  • You are all amazing!  Stay strong, stay safe and see you in 2021.  Cheers! 
  • We must hold on together and we will get through this
  • Good luck 
  • Alone we can do so little, but together we can do so much! Thank you for making a strange year into something amazingly unique :) Special Olympics BC and everyone involved are my absolute favorite!
  • Merry Christmas! I am looking forward to the day when we can participate in SO sports programs. See you in 2021!
  • Hey everyone 
  • Can’t wait for sports to start again!
  • Thank you everyone for working so hard to keep Special Olympics going and to the athletes for keeping sticking with your sports through these challenging times.
  • Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season. Be kind and stay safe!
  • Have a wonderful safe holiday season!
  • I hope everyone has a merry Christmas